Monday, June 17, 2013

La Portela de Valcarce to O'Cebreiro

Yesterday we finished out the 66 KM stretch by walking from La Portela to O'Cebreiro. The walk was almost entirey uphil, so even though we only walked about 15 KM, it was still an exhausting day. 

We passed through many teeny tiny farm towns. 

When we arrived in one town we were surprised to see a giant cow walking in the street mooing very loudly. It looked like she had accidentally gotten out and was trying to get back to her cow friend who was mooing just as loudly at her. It was quite funny. Eventually, she hopped over the short fence and the two cows were reunited. 

As we began climbing up the giant hill, the grass and trees seemed to get greener. The environment was totally beautiful, and we happily hiked along the well worn path. 

We had a blast hiking along tiny streams and rock fences. We stopped many times to enjoy the view and take in what we were doing. 

152 KM to go!!

Near the end of the walk, we officially entered Galicia. This region of the country is known for its hilly landscape and its variable weather. Many years ago, the Celtic people lived here and you can still find many cultural influences from their habitation today! Many stores play bagpipe music and the homes and food are reminiscent of their culture. 

Finally we reached the top of the hill and the tiny mountain hamlet of O'Cebreiro. The population in this city is only 50, but it is a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists alike. 

We waited in line to get our beds at the albergue and then enjoyed a relaxing evening and early bedtime (8:30 PM for me, haha). 

Only 7 more days of walking until we reach Santiago!

Buen Camino!! 

On a side note, if you come to Galicia and expect the hard cider to be anything like home, let me warn you...its not

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