Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Astorga To Rabanal del Camino

This morning we awoke at our regular time (6:00 AM) only to find a half empty room (many people were still sleeping and some had left very very early). We knew that the weather forecast was for a cloudless sky and for higher temps (which is why some of our albergue mates must have left by 5:00). We made sure to eat a big breakfast and get lots of water in our Camelbacks before setting off on the trail. 

We stopped in the first city we came to for second breakfast (dont worry, I'll do a post on food soon!) and we ran back into our friends the Twins (I'll refer to them from now on as B and J and J's wife is E). We discussed our plans for the next few days, since we knew they are going to be longer ones. They plan on splitting up the distance, while we may do it all and have a rest day after. All that really matters is that we all plan on getting to Santiago on June 23 (hooray!!). 

Todays hike rook us back to the desert. There were scrub bushes everywhere and it was very dry and very hot. There are tons of tiny lizards here and every time we hear one scurry off the trail, I convince myself its a snake. Abe laughs at me when I freak out as they run in front of my feet. 

We could see the impending mountains all day..lurking over us. Waiting. Tomorrow we start really climbing and the climb doesn't stop until several days after that. 

We got to our destination relatively early today, very sweaty and dirty. Before showering, we sat on the patio and enjoyed some cold beers. The showers here at our alberge are nice, except for the occasional blast of ice cold water followed by scalding hot water (haha discussing the showers that I have experience on the Camino could be a whole other post). 

We were looking at the guidebook today and found that we are now on the last 1/3 of the Way! Just look at how little book we have left (and how sleepy my eyes are, haha)!! 

Tomorrow will be tough. We reach the highest point on the Camino and we hike for 29 KM total (after the distance is adjusted for the climb). The following day is 32 KM and the day after that is 36 KM!! I'll keep you posted if we actually do those distances or if we split them up into easier, more managable distances. 

Buen Camino!

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