Monday, June 3, 2013

Hontanas to Casterojeriz: A Day For Wimps

Yesterday we walked from Hontanas to Casterojeriz. It was only about a 12 KM walk was kind of boring (La Meseta showed us just how flat she could be). We did pass the old convent of San Antón, which was quite fascinating. 

Many people leave prayers here. 

We reached our destination in no time and the nice man at the albergue allowed us to drop off our packs so that we could explore the city without worrying about them. We met up with some friends and (because we felt antsy since we only did 12 KM) we walked around until our albergue was open for the day. There is a lovely church here as well as some ruins of a castle. Unfortunately the castle was on a large hill and none of us wanted to climb up to see it. 

As we were walking we came upon a man spreading greenery in the street. We asked what he was doing and he said preparing for a procession at 1:30 PM. We weren't sure what the procession was for but we knew we wanted to see it (again, these are only things you get to see when you walk across a country)! We later found out it was a Corpus Christi celebration. 

That evening we ate supper at a nice bar that had an old kitty. He was just about the sweetest and when I went to pet him he curled up in my lap. He was very funny and only had 3 teeth, which made him look like an old man. 

When we got back to the albergue the first thing we noticed was that it was hot. We also noticed that two women kept getting sick in the bathroom (felt horrible for them). Needless to say, it was the worst sleep we have gotten so far on The Camino. I think I slept well from 9-12:30 AM and then was up every hour after that. This albergue had the loudest snorers ever (look for another pro tip from Abe about this soon!). 

Buen Camino! 

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