Saturday, May 11, 2013

Graduation and Frantic Packing

Today was a big day. I walked across the stage and graduated from Graduate School. My Masters Degree is in Biology and I could not be more thankful for the support my family and friends have given me over the past two years.

Abe and I

Momma, Daddy, and I

First Lady Michelle Obama spoke at the graduation ceremony after mine and I just happened to get four tickets! She did an amazing job. She was inspiring and so well spoken.

My Parents, Abe, and I had lunch together after my graduation ceremony at a little restaurant near the Kentucky River. While there, we picked up our Camino rocks. It is only fitting that two Kentuckians would carry limestone (it makes our horses stronger and our bourbon tastier). 

In less than 12 hours I will be on a plane bound for Paris. I'm excited, nervous, and find myself frantically cleaning and packing at the moment. We land at 8 am and have several things (aka a ton) planned to see. I hope that after several glasses of wine while on the plane, I'll quickly fall asleep and be able to be fully aware for our Monday activities (and not a zombie). In the morning, I drop off Olive so she can live with my parents and their plethora of animals for the next two months. I tried to convince Abe to carry her in his backpack and walk her on a leash for most of the Camino, but I don't think he took to that idea with quite as much enthusiasm as I did.

Leaving my friends and family for two months is quite scary, however I know that it will only make me grow as an individual. I've had so much fun this week hanging out with the people I love so much!

I'll update as soon as I can when we get to Paris! Au revior Kentucky!

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