Thursday, May 16, 2013

Paris Day 3

Today was our museum day. We visited: The Rodin Museum, Musée d'Orsay, The Cluny Museum, and The Louvre. first up, the Rodin Museum. Here you can find many of Rodin's pieces including the Thinker.

We then headed to the Musée d'Orsay. No photos were allowed inside, but it was by far my favorite museum. Works of art from Degas, Manet, and Monet could be found in this museum that used to be a train station. Abe and I enjoyed this museum so much more than the Lourve, and if you have the chance stop here and take your time exploring (you won't be disappointed!)

After lunch we explored The Cluny museum. Here we found art from the Middle Ages. Their most famous piece of art was actually on loan to another museum so we were a little disappointed. 

The Lourve was our last museum stop. We narrowed down a few pieces of art that we had to see and looked for those specifically. The museum is so large that we would never see it all in a few hours. 

On the way to the Louvre we made a stop at Le Pont des Artes (aka the Lover's Bridge) to put a lock on the bridge. Locking a padlock here and throwing the key into the Seine is a symbol of eternal love. Comme c'est romantique! 

After the Lourve we decided to walk back down the Champs Élysées. By the time we got to the Arc de Triomphe it was dark so we decided to travel to the top of the Arc and look at the lights of Paris. The view of the Eiffel Tower is pretty impressive from the top and it was fun to see it lit up!

One more day in Paris before we head to St. Jean and begin our Camino journey!!


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